Monday, January 16, 2012

NFC probe should begin at the top

Investigations into the National Feedlot Centre scandal must begin at the top to include decision makers involved in awarding the cattle-farming project, said PAS vice president Datuk Mahfuz Omar.

In calling for a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the matter, Mahfuz said the various allegations directed towards the National Feedlot Corporation (NFC) and its management, was merely the result of a "questionable" decision-making process.

NFC is headed by Datuk Seri Mohd Salleh Ismail, who is the husband of Women, Community and Families Development Minister Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil.

"This includes the approval of a RM250 million soft loan to fund the project, without following procedures set out by the Finance Ministry," claimed Mahfuz during a press conference at PAS headquarters here today.

Mahfuz said an RCI should be set up to investigate all angles into the scandal, despite an ongoing probe by the Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission into allegations of mismanagement and corruption in administration of NFC.

NFC was awarded the cattle-farming project in Gemas by a Cabinet High Impact Projects Committee in September 2006. The project's objective was to meet 40% local beef demands.

The committee, which was chaired by then deputy prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak, included Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, who was the Agriculture and Agro-based Industries Minister at that time.

The Public Accounts Committee had reportedly confirmed that funds were channeled to the corporation between 2008 and 2009, despite the official loan agreement only being signed in 2010.

Shahrizat had on Thursday applied for three weeks' leave from all ministerial duties to allow for a full investigation by the MACC, following repeated calls for her resignation from various quarters.

Najib had also on Saturday announced that NFC's assets has been temporarily frozen, pending the outcome of the MACC's probe.

Mahfuz however questioned whether the move to freeze NFC's assets is enough to ensure that all lost funds can be recovered.

He said the government should also freeze the assets of NFC's Board of Directors, alleging that funds allocated for the project had been invested in other personal ventures.

NFC chief executive Wan Shahinur Izmir Salleh had in a statement over the weekend insisted that the freeze has not impacted the company's daily operations.

Source : The Sunndaily

Related News : Freeze of NFC assets too little too late, says PKR Wanita chief

‘Business as usual’ for NFC despite assets being frozen

Despite having its assets frozen, it is “business as usual” for the National Feedlot Corporation Sdn Bhd (NFC).

Its executive director Wan Shahinur Izmir Salleh said beef would continue to be supplied and all orders would also be fulfilled.

In reassuring its clients, employees and vendors, Wan Shahinur said there was no disruption to its daily operations.

“In fact, our assets have been frozen by the relevant authorities since December, last year.

“In our efforts to facilitate smooth and thorough investigations, we have extended our fullest co-operation from the outset.

“As such, I would like to reassure clients, vendors as well as our employees that they would continue to be served and gainfully employed,” he said in a statement yesterday.

The statement added that NFC supplied beef to more than 160 customers, including hypermarkets, supermarkets, mini markets, wet markets, processed meat manufacturers, hotels, restaurants and cafes.

The company also clarified that its 4,500 heads of cattle at its centre in Negri Sembilan would continue to be nurtured to meet the country’s beef supply target and objectives of the National Meat Policy.

It had also received a further import shipment of 1,500 heads of cattle from Australia.

Source : The Star

Related News : NFC to assist in probe despite freeze

Police conclude NFC probe

Police have concluded investigations into the National Feedlot Corporation (NFC) issue, with the findings to be submitted to the deputy public prosecutor today.
Federal Commercial Crime police director Datuk Syed Ismail Syed Azizan said police conducted a thorough investigation and recorded 54 statements, including those from the NFC.

“Now, we will submit the report to the DPP for his decision on the next course of action,” he said yesterday.

Syed Ismail said police investigations were based on claims of cheating and criminal breach of trust.

On the frozen assets, Syed Ismail said NFC’s assets were frozen to facilitate police investigations at the start of the probe.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak had on Saturday confirmed that NFC’s assets had been temporarily frozen.

NFC is also being investigated by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), which had raided its headquarters.

MACC has confirmed that it was finalising its investigation papers on the case before making recommendations to the Attorney- General’s Chambers.

NFC, in a statement yesterday, said the company’s operations continued uninterrupted.

Its executive director, Wan Shahinur Izmir Salleh, said it was business as usual at the company as only its assets were frozen.

Source : New Straits Times

Related News : Business as usual’ for NFC despite assets being frozen

Freeze of NFC assets too little too late, says PKR Wanita chief

The freezing of the assets of the National Feedlot Corporation (NFC) by the government is a case of too little too late, said PKR Wanita chief Zuraidah Kamarudin.

She said action should have been taken on the NFC the moment allegations of mismanagement emerged regarding the cattle-raising venture.

"If action was taken then, the government would look more professional. They should not have dodged the issue," said Zuraidah told theSun yesterday, adding that the matter has since become worse due to the repeated exposes.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak had reportedly announced the temporary freeze on Saturday.

Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin and Agriculture Minister Datuk Seri Noh Omar have been appointed to monitor the NFC.

Allegations of mismanagement in the NFC came to light last October when the Auditor-General's report revealed that the corporation had failed to achieve its objectives.

The Opposition then alleged that irregularities existed in the RM250 million government allocation to the NFC, including, among others, that the NFC used RM5 million in public funds to buy a Mercedes-Benz and land in Putrajaya.

Other allegations included the disburesement of RM588,585 to companies belonging to the family of Women, Family and Community Development Minister Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil. NFC chairman, Mohamad Salleh Ismail, is Shahrizat's husband.

She expressed fear that the Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission would not do a proper investigation into the scandal.

Meanwhile, Malaysian Bar Council president Lim Chee Wee supported the freezing of the NFC's assets.

"The step is a reflection of the seriousness of how the government is now handling this issue, and we are hopeful the MACC will conduct a complete and fair investigation leaving no stone unturned," Lim told theSun yesterday.

"We can take comfort in the prosecution and conviction of Khir Toyo as a sign that the government is looking at combating corruption, perhaps not at the level the people would like it to, but it is unfair to say the government is not doing anything about corruption," added Lim.

Meanwhile, NFC issued a statement yesterday stating that its operations would not be interrupted by the order.

"Business is as usual in the company. Beef will continue to be supplied and all orders will be fulfilled. There is no interruption or disruption," said its executive director Wan Shahinur Izmir Salleh.

Source : The Sun Daily

Related News : NFC to assist in probe despite freeze

Sunday, January 15, 2012

NFC to assist in probe despite freeze

The National Feedlot Corporation (NFC) had been informed earlier that its assets might be frozen to facilitate investigations under the Anti-Money Laundering Act 2010.

"It is okay because the government needs all the details for investigations to be carried out.

"The move is a precautionary step by the government to carry out the investigations," said NFC chairman Datuk Seri Dr Salleh Ismail on the government's move to freeze the company's assets.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak said yesterday the NFC's assets had been frozen for the time being to facilitate the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission's probe into allegations of financial improprieties in the running of the company.

Salleh said the NFC would cooperate with the government until the investigations were over.

"We will wait for the results," he said, adding that they would issue a formal statement today.

He added that they would continue to manage and feed the cattle in their national feedlot centre in Gemas, Negri Sembilan.

The centre currently has 400 head of cattle that were brought in from Australia.

The corporation has a 30-year contract with the government for cattle farming, as part of the government's food security programme.

Asked about the three-week leave taken by his wife, Women, Family and Community Development Minister Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil, from her ministerial duties, Salleh said her application for leave had been approved.

"We will do all we can to cooperate in the investigations now," he said. By Minderjeet Kaur

Source : News Straits Time

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