Friday, September 16, 2011

Zakaria denies telling inquiry costs built-in to PKFZ land price

Retired Transport Ministry secretary-gen­eral Datuk Zakaria Bahari denied ever telling the Parliament inquiry into the Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) project that the RM25psf price was inclusive of the interest, the High Court heard.

Testifying in court yesterday, he said although he told the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) thrice that the land cost did include basic infrastructure, he never said that the interest was included in the price.

He made this admission under cross-examination by former transport minister Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik’s counsel Wong Kian Kheong, despite telling the court that it was his opinion that the RM25psf did include interest.

Wong: I put it to you that your opinion, based on Valuation and Property Services Department (JPPH)’s valuation, that RM25psf was inclusive of interest is not accurate.

Zakaria: I disagree.

During the re-examination by DPP Tun Abdul Majid Hamzah, Zakaria said in a meeting on Jan 26, 2002, by Port Klang Authority (PKA) and JPPH, the PKA had revealed the latest terms and condition which had been negotiated.

He said the RM25psf did not include the interest element and that no one at the meeting had objected.

Questioned by Abdul Majid why he never told PAC of that detail, he said this was because he was never asked.

JPPH’s valuation had stated that a RM25psf price consideration could be used for the purpose of the issuance of bonds when read together with the 10-year repayment period with a yearly 6% interest and a 5% deposit.

Earlier, Zakaria told the court that Dr Ling had given the PKA general manager Datin O.C. Phang the green light to go ahead and buy the land on the same day that the Cabinet had decided to purchase it, saying this was conveyed to Phang during the post-Cabinet meeting as “Cabinet had already decided.” Hearing continues on Oct 3.

Source : The Star

Related News : Ministry found PKFZ project viable, court told

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