Tuesday, July 19, 2011

RM50 bribe lands lorry driver in jail

A 47-year-old lorry driver almost broke down when the Sessions Court here sentenced him to a day’s jail and fined him RM10,000 for offering an RM50 bribe to an enforcement officer.

“Mohon maaf, mohon maaf. Saya janji sama tuan hakim. Saya tidak buat lagi, anak-anak mau bagi makan punya. Saya tidak mau masuk penjara. (I am sorry, I promise I will not repeat my offence. I have to feed my children. I do not want to go to jail),” said Lai Kim Fook.

However, Justice Ahmad Sazali Omar was not moved.

“You have committed an offence. Don’t think that enticing an enforcement officer with RM50 is a small offence. Do not undermine our law. I am sending you to jail,” judge Ahmad said when meting out the sentence.

The statement of the facts said Lau had offered the bribe to Road Transport Department enforcement chief Mohd Azrul Abdul Aziz as an inducement not to take action against him for committing a traffic offence.

The incident happened at 10.15am on AMJ expressway in Kandang here on May 25.

Lau paid the fine and was sent to the court police lock-up in Ayer Keroh.

Source : The Star

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