Monday, August 29, 2011

Smuggler jailed over RM200 bribe

A Thai man who smuggled a carload of firecrackers into the country was jailed six months for trying to bribe his way through a roadblock after crossing the Malaysian-Thai border.

Ibraham Habyusoh, 38, was also fined RM10,000 in default six months’ jail by the Sessions Court here after he pleaded guilty to committing the offence at 6pm last Friday at an Anti-Smuggling Unit (UPP) roadblock at Km1.3 of the North-South Expressway.

He admitted to offering a RM200 bribe to UPP officer Sjn Tajudin Ladzim as an inducement for the latter not to take action against him for smuggling the firecrackers.

Judge Indra Nehru Savandiah yesterday ordered Ibraham, from Satun, to serve the jail term from the date of his arrest.

He paid the fine.

Source : The Star

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