Monday, November 21, 2011

RTD aims to achieve zero corruption

THE state Road Transport Department has become the first enforcement agency in Perak to sign a memorandum with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) to combat graft.

Department director Jaafar Mohamed said the department had set its sights on achieving zero corruption among its officers.

“We want officers with good integrity and I want them to understand and advocate the memorandum’s objectives,” he told reporters after the signing ceremony for the memorandum in Ipoh.

Taking measures to stop graft: Jaafar (right) and state MACC deputy director (operations) Shaharom Nizam Abd Manap signing on the memorandum to fight corruption.

“We will not hesitate to take action against our personnel who take bribes and people who offer bribes to our men,” he said.

He said the department would work hand-in-hand with MACC to detect any corruption.

“We will ensure all information on graft cases involving our officers is channelled to the MACC,” he added.

Jaafar said the department had its own Integrity Committee to inspect and investigate claims of corruption.

“The committee will either take disciplinary action against the wrongdoers or hand the matter over to MACC,” he said.

He added that the Government had implemented the Witness Protection Act and Whistleblower Protection Act 2010 to support ongoing efforts to weed out bribe givers and takers. — By IVAN LOH

Source : The Star

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