Thursday, October 4, 2012

Deputy V-C Denies Asking For And Accepting Bribe

A Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) deputy vice-chancellor pleaded not guilty at a Sessions Court here to soliciting and accepting a bribe of RM15,000 from a contractor in 2010.

Prof Ir Dr Abdul Aziz Abdul Samad, 52, who heads the university’s academic and international division, pleaded not guilty to the charges before Sessions court judge Mohamad Haidar Abdul Aziz.

For the first charge, Dr Abdul Aziz was said to have asked for a bribe of RM15,000 from contractor Mohammad Anal Talhah, 41, in December 2010 as an inducement to help him obtain a contract under the university’s development and building property management division.

Avoiding the cameras: Dr Abdul Aziz trying to hide his face from press photographers at the Sessions Court in Johor Baru. -Bernama

For the second offence, Dr Abdul Aziz was charged with accepting the bribe of RM15,000 and inserting the sum into his personal bank account on Jan 28, 2011.

The charges, under Section 16(a)(A) of the Malaysian-Anti Corruption Commission (MACC) Act 2009, carrry a jail term of not more than two years, a fine of RM10,000 or five times the bribe amount, whichever is higher.

Dr Abdul Aziz was also alternatively charged with accepting the bribe under Section 165 of the Penal Code, which carries up to two years in jail or a fine or both

He also claimed trial to the alternative charge.

MACC prosecuting officer Abdul Ghafar Ab Latif offered bail at RM30,000 for all the charges.

Dr Abdul Aziz’s lawyers Abdul Halem Mohamad Husin and Shahrul Syazwan Salehin asked the court to consider lowering the bail as Dr Abdul Aziz was still providing for his wife, two ex-wives and six children.

Mohamad Haidar set bail at RM20,000 and fixed the next date for mention on Nov 9.
Dr Abdul Aziz posted bail.

Source : The Star

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