Monday, December 10, 2012

RTD officers claim trial to graft charge

BUTTERWORTH (Dec 10, 2012): Two Road Transport Department (RTD) officials were charged at the Sessions Court here today for accepting a RM300 bribe. 

Assistant enforcement officer V. Chandrasegeran, 42, was alleged to have accepted the money from lorry driver P. Murugan as inducement not to take action against the latter for worn-out tyres. 

 He was charged with committing the offence on Sept 14 at Lorong Perusahaan 10, Prai Industrial Estate, Prai, around 8pm. 

The charge is under Section 17(a) of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) Act 2009 (Act 694) which is read together with Section 24 of the same Act and carries a maximum 20-year prison sentence and fine not less than five times the bribe amount or RM10,000, whichever is higher. 

The accused claimed trial and Sessions Court judge Meor Sulaiman Ahmad Tarmizi set RM6,000 bail with one surety after defence counsel A. Chandrasegaran told the court his client has aged parents to take care of. 

At another court, assistant enforcement officer Farid Abdullah, 27, was charged for abetting in the same case. 

Sessions court judge Nabisha Ibrahim set bail at RM6, 000 after the accused claimed trial to the charge. 

Deputy Public Prosecutor (DPP) Mohd Firdaus Sek-man prosecuted in both cases and had applied that the cases be heard in Meor Sulaiman's court with Jan 21 fixed for mention.

Source : The Sun Daily

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