Monday, February 1, 2016

Malaysia 1MDB scandal: Singapore seizes bank accounts

The authorities in Singapore say they have seized a large number of bank accounts as part of an investigation into possible money-laundering linked to a fund owned by the Malaysian state.
The fund is called 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB).

It was established in 2009 to pay for major new economic and social developments in Malaysia.
Singapore said it would not tolerate being used as a refuge for illicit funds.

In a joint statement by its central bank and the police's anti-fraud agency it said: "In connection with these investigations, we have sought and are continuing to seek information from several financial institutions, are interviewing various individuals, and have seized a large number of bank accounts.

"Singapore is also cooperating closely with relevant authorities, including those in Malaysia, Switzerland and the United States."

Last year, officials in Singapore froze two bank accounts as part of its investigation.

The announcement follows news that around $4bn (£2.8bn), earmarked for investment in economic and social development projects in Malaysia, may have been misappropriated from state-owned companies.

Read more on BBC

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