Sunday, July 31, 2016

Malaysia anti-graft chief quits job early

Najib Razak, Malaysian prime minister. Photo from

The head of Malaysia’s anti-corruption agency, who doggedly investigated prime minister Najib Razak’s finances along with the broader scandal around state investment fund 1MDB, is quitting his post early amid intensifying political pressure.

Abu Kassim Mohamed, chief commissioner of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission, is due to step down on Monday, more than two years ahead of the scheduled end of his term in December 2018. He will be replaced by Dzulkifli Ahmad, an official in the attorney-general’s chambers.

Mr Kassim, who denies that the government has pressed him to stand down, has come under attack from Mr Najib’s supporters. He is among three current or former civil servants against whom a police report was filed last week by an official in Mr Najib’s ruling United Malays National Organisation.

According to local media, the police report accuses the three, who also include former central bank governor Zeti Akhtar Aziz and former attorney-general Abdul Gani Patail, of providing confidential information to foreign agencies.

The MACC leadership was praised recently by the US Federal Bureau of Investigation for its “tremendous courage”, as US officials announced they were seeking to seize assets allegedly acquired with misappropriated Malaysian state funds.


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