Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Former mentri besar asked me to buy land and bungalow, director tells court

A key witness in former Selangor mentri besar Dr Khir Toyo’s corruption trial told the High Court here that he had no choice but to proceed with a RM6.5mil land deal.

Ditamas director Shamsuddin Hayroni said he agreed to buy the two plots of land and a bungalow for RM6.5mil in 2004 after Dr Khir expressed interest in the property.

“I am a businessman with projects in Selangor and I was talking to the mentri besar (about the property). So, I agreed (to purchase).

“I felt like I didn’t have a choice and that I had to proceed,” he said when re-examined by Deputy Public Prosecutor Abdul Wahab Mohamed here yesterday.

Shamsuddin, who was acquitted after being initially charged with abetment in the deal, said the conversation took place during a meeting with Dr Khir and businessman Datuk Sumadi Ismail, who had introduced them to former property owner Saiful Aznir Shahabudin.

He said Sumadi had earlier declined Dr Khir’s request to buy the property as he had other commitments.

“He (Dr Khir) then asked me to buy. At that time, I thought that since he was interested in the house, maybe, one day, he’ll buy the house from me,” said Shamsuddin, adding that he bought the property on Dec 23, 2004, and paid its 10% deposit in cash.

The 55-year-old said he also discussed with Dr Khir on selling and transferring its ownership for RM3.5mil when the bungalow was being renovated.

He admitted that he had thought then that Dr Khir’s asking price of RM3.5mil was “too low” and that the price should be between RM5mil and RM5.5mil, considering that he wanted to give a RM1.5mil discount.

Asked why he still agreed to the sale, Shamsuddin replied: “I discussed it with my wife. We have projects in Selangor and here is a mentri besar interested in my property for RM3.5mil. I agreed because I was concerned with my projects and position as a businessman.”

Earlier, freelance landscaper Nasir Ismail, 55, testified that he had signed an agreement stating RM600,000 as renovation costs for the bungalow at Dr Khir’s request.

He had said on Thursday that Dr Khir spent over RM6mil to turn the bungalow into a Balinese concept home.

The hearing was later adjourned after lead defence counsel M. Athi­mulan said they would apply for the prosecution to supply them with Shamsuddin’s statements to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Com­mission for the “purpose of impeachment.”
The court will hear the application today.

Dr Khir, 45, was charged with knowingly purchasing the property at a much lower price than its original value from Shamsuddin in 2007 and is alleged to hahttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifve committed the offence at the Selangor Mentri Besar’s official residence on May 29.

Source : The Star

Related News : Khir Toyo spent RM6mil to renovate mansion, court told

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