Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Khir Toyo trial: Ditamas director denies buying property to gain favours

Ditamas Sdn Bhd director Shamsuddin Hayroni denied he tried to gain favours from former Selangor Mentri Besar Dr Mohd Khir Toyo when he bought two plots of land and a bungalow in Section 7 for RM6.5mil in 2004.

The 54-year-old key witness said Wednesday that he did not see the purchase as an opportunity when he found out from Datuk Sumadi Ismail that Dr Mohd Khir was interested in the properties.

Sumadi was responsible in introducing potential buyers to previous owner Saiful Aznir Shahabudin.

Shamsuddin was answering questions from defence counsel Kamarul Hisham Kamaruddin during a cross-examination on the fifth day of the corruption trial of Dr Mohd Khir, 45, who is accused of knowingly obtaining for himself and his wife, two plots of land and a house located in Lots 8 and 10, Jalan Suasa 7/1L here, from Ditamas through Shamsuddin, for RM3.5mil, which was much lower than the original price.

Ditamas had bought the lots on Dec 23, 2004, for RM6.5mil.

Shamsuddin also denied suggestion that he was the one who initiated contact with Dr Mohd Khir to discuss the properties.

He reiterated that he had bought the properties because Dr Mohd Khir told him to do so.

However, Shamsuddin said he could not recall the exact words Dr Mohd Khir had allegedly used to tell him to purchase the properties.

He added that the Sungai Panjang assemblyman might have not literally ordered him to but from verbal words, body language and facial expression, he understood that it was Dr Mohd Khir's wish.

He told Justice Mohtarudin Baki he had viewed the bungalow simply to "have a look-see" and admitted that he would have bought the bungalow for himself had it been suitable.

When his credibility was attacked, Shamsuddin snapped at Kamarul who suggested that he had fabricated his claims when he said Dr Mohd Khir told him to buy the properties.

"That was not made up, Your Honour!" he said.

He also told the court that Dr Mohd Khir was informed whenever he made payments of RM500,000 each time to freelance landscaper Nasir Ismail, who carried out renovation work at the bungalow, in the hopes that the former Mentri Besar would reimburse the payment or purchase the bungalow later.

Kamarul: So you agree to buy the house, at the risk of the accused not wanting to buy the house from you?

Shamsuddin: Yes.

Kamarul: Even with the risk, you went on to buy the house... You have, in principle, agreed to see if you will get your money back?

Shamsuddin: Yes.

Earlier, Shamsuddin admitted that he had given contradictory statements to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission some time in 2009 and on June 7, this year.

In his statement in 2009, he said he had appointed Nasir for renovation work, sold the properties to cover his losses and did not disclose that the selling price was below the market price.

"In my statement in June, I admitted that the properties were indeed sold below the market price and it wasn't sold to cover profit losses.

"Dr Mohd Khir was the one who appointed Nasir, not me. My statement on June 7, 2011, and today is the truth," he said, despite the contradiction.

Hearing continues Thursday.

Source : The Star

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