Friday, June 24, 2011

Driver and attendant nabbed in oil palm bribe

A driver and his attendant were arrested for allegedly trying to bribe a Felda auxiliary policeman to allow them to take out oil palm from an estate here.

It is learnt that during the incident which occured at 8pm on Wednes- day, the two men in their 30s handed over RM200 to the policeman and asked him to let them pass.

The policeman refused and arrested them prior to handing them over to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC).

Johor MACC director Simi Abdul Ghani, who confirmed the case, said that investigations were being carried out under Section 17 (b) of the MACC Act for bribing a public official.

In another case, the state Immi-gration Department has foiled an attempt by a group of Pakistani illegal immigrants to sneak out of the country to Australia.

The eight were detained at Tan-jung Leman near Kota Tinggi in a joint operation by the department, MACC and the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency at 2.30pm on Wednesday.

State immigration enforcement unit chief Masri Abdul said his officers detained the Pakistanis, aged between 30 and 45, in a wooden hut in a jungle area near Tanjung Leman beach.

He added that the area was suspected to have been used as a transit point for illegal immigrants before they were transported out of the country through a hidden trail.

Masri said about 200 illegal immigrants attempted to sneak out but only eight were detained. The rest escaped into the nearby jungle when they were alerted of the raid.

Those arrested had fake passports, visas and travel documents.

Source : The Star

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