Friday, June 24, 2011

Trio linked to ‘lesen terbang’ syndicate held

Three men linked to a “lesen terbang” syndicate have been arrested by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC).

The men, aged between 26 and 42 years, are linked to the syndicate, which takes bribes for falsifying computerised drivers exam results.

In a statement yesterday, the MACC said students who paid bribes to the syndicate were able to pass the test despite not even attending it.

The syndicate is said to be active in driving schools throughout the Klang Valley.

All three, who have been remanded for five days until June 27, will be investigated under Section 16(b)(A) of the MACC Act.

The Act carries a jail term of up to 20 years and a fine not less than five times the value of the bribe or RM10,000, whichever is higher.

Meanwhile, Road Transport Department (JPJ) director-general Datuk Solah Mat Hassan said it was looking into the matter seriously.

He said his department conducted random checks nationwide from time to time, including joint operations with the police and the MACC.

“We are in the midst of updating the particulars of the candidates allegedly implicated in the lesen terbang scam,” he said in a statement here yesterday.

Source : The Star

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